
Sticking to Your Resolution

Stick to your Resolution

It is possible to stick to your New Year’s Resolution! Check out these helpful tips to set yourself up for success in achieving your goals this year.

Tip #1: Keep it Small

Having a big goal doesn’t mean you can’t achieve it. However, large goals can often feel overwhelming, and we may eventually burnout and stop trying. Breaking the larger goal into smaller steps is one way to keep you on track. Keeping your goals small helps you feel confident while working to achieve something. 

Try this! Set your large goal for the year. Ask yourself where you want to be one year from today. Then ask yourself one thing you can do each month of the New Year to get where you want to be. Breaking up your resolution this way will help you focus on one thing at a time and encourage real growth throughout the year.

(Remember: you can always add on to your goal and level up throughout the year!)

Tip #2: Process > Outcome

Focusing on the process of the journey to achieve your goal will help you be more intentional and appreciative of what you can accomplish. This year, try to reframe your resolution to focus on the process achieving the goal. To understand the process, ask yourself: Who? What? When? Where? And most importantly, Why?

Answering these questions will fuel more purpose behind your resolution and provide you with a framework for sticking to the resolution. You will have more motivation to continue because you will know what to do next. 

Tip #3: The Principle of it All

How great would it be if things happened exactly how you planned it? Yeah, we would like that too. The truth is nothing ever happens exactly how you plan it. And you may not stick to the resolution you set out to do. And that is okay!

That is why it is important to focus on the principle of your goal– the overarching “why?” Understanding why this goal will benefit your life and the life of those around you will help you find a way to stick to your resolution, even if it ends up looking different. Knowing the principle behind the change allows you to be flexible and change plans while you the world changes around you.

These few tips can help you stick to your resolution and make the most out of your choice to change for the better! Are you ready to make the choice to change? A3 is here to help. Schedule a Game Plan to go over your goals!


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An individual Game Plan session with a Pro Coach will help you figure out what you need to reach your goals and your next level of performance.