
FAQs about our Youth Athlete Program

What age range is this program good for?

A3’s Youth Athletic Development program is great for kids in 1st through 6th grades. There are two levels to make sure that young athletes are challenged based on age appropriateness and athletic readiness (“Rookie” + “Prep”).

How long do the sessions last?

Each session is 60 minutes long.

What does a typical session involve?

Young athletes are led through a warm-up for joint mobility and dynamic flexibility, and then coached through a workout designed to develop their overall athleticism and proper movement patterns; each workout involves elements of strength training, plyometrics, speed and agility training, and movements to develop coordination and balance. There’s always a game or fun competition, then athletes are guided through a cool-down. Each month, we also focus on a theme to develop the athletes’ mindset, leadership, sportsmanship, and/or goal setting skills.

How many kids are in each session?

We maintain a ratio of 1 coach to 6-8 athletes. In a typical session, there are 3 to 8 athletes training together.

Shouldn’t I wait until my child is older to start training for athleticism?

Nope, the time is now. Even if a child isn’t playing competitive sports, the skills they develop in our program are fundamental and benefit them in every aspect of their development!

Unfortunately, many young athletes today are overskilled and underdeveloped. They join club teams sooner than ever and start specializing in one sport, but they neglect to “build the house” as an athlete first. You wouldn’t put the roof on or install windows on a house before there’s a strong foundation and solid walls, right?!

The best players are the best athletes. The best athletes play multiple sports in their youth and have really good habits, good movement patterns, and confidence.

Should young kids be lifting weights?

A lot of parents worry that their child will get hurt “lifting”, and rightly so! Young kids shouldn’t just start lifting weights one day; they should first demonstrate readiness and have developed the prerequisite motor skills (which is where we come in!).

When taught to move properly from a young age and when supported by professional coaching, youth can absolutely do strength training in a safe and healthy way.

With A3’s professional coaching and evaluation system and our progressive programming, we prepare kids properly for strength training. We use an individualized approach so that your child will begin when they’re ready, not just when the group does it.

While of course there’s risk if it’s not done correctly, numerous studies over decades show that “appropriate strength-training programs have no apparent adverse effect on linear growth, growth plates, or the cardiovascular system.” (Pediatrics, 2008).

I’m not sure we have time for this in our schedule.

We get it. It’s a commitment, and your kids already have a lot going on! We know you have plenty of choices of where you spend your time and money, and we make sure that youth get the most value out of every hour they spend with us. We also work hard to make sure your kids love coming. Our program gives your young athlete the chance to develop and reach their next level without the pressure of playing time. Most importantly, the confidence they develop are priceless.

What if my kid isn’t an “athlete”?

No problem! You don’t have to have sports experience to join our program. Whether it’s for playground play, competitive sports, or just developing a love of fitness, kids benefit from our program in huge ways.

Every kid benefits from being more coordinated.

Every kid benefits from spending a happy hour around teammates and positive coaching.

Every kid benefits from exercise.

Every kid benefits from more confidence!!

And remember, the CDC, AAP, and AHA recommend kids get 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity DAILY. The vigorous activity should help strengthen muscles and bones!

Do you have more questions?

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